Al Ahleia Insurance

Fire and Gen. Accident


Preface about the Department:

This department is concerned with the claims of fire, theft and general accidents and the latter contains several types of accidents.

Nature of the Department work and its responsibilities:

  • Issuing all documents and endorsements covering insurance on fire, theft and general accidents.
  • Corresponding the reinsurance companies whether on local or international level.
  • Produce statistics related to performance to accounts section.
  • Coordinate with different departments.

Compensations Section:

This department is working on coordination with the client in case any accident occurs (to obtain compensation for the accident) provided, the customer shall notify the insurance policy upon the occurrence of the accident.

Then, Compensations Department shall follow up all compensations that may be sustained by the company clients under all policies issued by the company as for inspecting and evaluating the damaged assets and specifying our responsibility by virtue of the conditions, exclusions and provisions of the insurance policies and all of the above shall be conducted either through the technical staff of the company or the appointment of a loss adjuster.

Persons In-charge

Dawoud Al-Duwaisan

Mr. Dawoud Al-Duwaisan

Vice CEO - Technical Depts.

1888444 Ext. 2907

Tamer Soudan

Mr. Tamer Soudan

SR. Manager - Fire & Gen. Acc. Dept.

1888444 Ext. 2625


Mr. Saji Joseph

Mr. Saji Joseph

Claims Manager - Fire & Gen. Acc. Dept.

1888444 Ext. 2612